Sunday evening, April 28, 2024, at 10:00 p.m Japan time. - pre-orders begin (tentative).

Delivery is scheduled for late June to early July 2024.

Due to the factory's busy schedule, the boonie hats will be released later this time.

Size variations: US-XS to XXL
*Size details are the same as for the 2022 and 2023 Gold Tiger releases.



In 2024, as in the past two years, we will continue to offer precision reproduced Tiger Stripes from our store. Like last year, we will be releasing two types of Tiger Stripes, the first for 2024 being the Gold Tiger Stripe, an early pattern. This time as well, we have analyzed the thickness of the warp and weft yarns, and have custom-ordered the fabric, reproducing even the unique selvedge ears. The fading of the color was also done so that the impression of black remains until the end, and the color fades to yellow and then to white at the end, close to the fading of the real thing. The Tiger Stripe called "Gold Tiger" actually has several patterns with differences in color variations and patterns such as fine edges, etc. In 2022, we picked up the latter half of the pattern that strongly fades to yellow, and this time, we picked up the pattern that is estimated to have been used from late 1967.


Products Lineup


MADE IN JAPAN USカットシャツ 価格:¥29,700(税込)
MADE IN JAPAN USカットパンツ 価格:¥29,700(税込)

*Expected release prices are subject to change without notice.
*Due to the factory's busy schedule, the boonie hats will be released later this time.
*There will be no limited edition release at this time.
*The product pictured is a prototype and accessories are subject to change without notice.


As with our previous releases, we offer the same value of manufacturing everything from fabric to sewing in Japan for the reproduced Tiger Stripe. The reason for thisis that most of the actual Tiger Stripes were manufactured in Japan from the early to late 1960s. However, when the history of the stripes is precisely explained, it is estimated that from around 1964 to 1965, camouflage fabrics were manufactured in mainland Japan, while the sewing was done in Okinawa. The camouflage clothing called "Tiger Stripe" was ordered to Japan atfirst for convenience and convenience of the U.S. military procurement, and wasprepared not with the regular budget but with the back budget, which is full ofmystery. It is also one of our obsessions to incorporate as much background aspossible into the background of our products.As with ourown products of the past, we have incorporated the history of the actual manufacturing in Japan as one of the reproductions, and furthermore, please enjoy the gold tiger stripes anufactured in a method as close as possible to that time with the "made in Japan" quality that has continued to evolve since that time. We hope you will enjoy the history of the Tiger Stripe by wearing the MADE IN JAPAN Tiger Stripe, including the history of the struggle of the people of CISO (Counterinsurgency Support Office) who produced the Tiger Stripe at that time, and the historical background of the Japanese who manufactured it.

当店からリリースする復刻タイガーストライプは過去リリースした製品同様に、生地〜縫製に至るまで全てを日本で製造することを一つの価値として提供致しております。その理由は実物タイガーストライプの多くは、1960年代前半〜後半にかけて日本で製造されていたことに由来します。しかしながら精密にその歴史を紐解くと推定1964年〜1965年ごろより迷彩生地は日本本土で製造し、縫製は沖縄でと変化していった歴史がありました。アメリカ軍の調達の都合や、利便性からも当初日本に発注があり正規の予算ではなく裏の予算で用意されたタイガーストライプという謎に満ちた迷彩服であり、実際にはどのように製造されたのか正確な情報が残っていない今日において少しでも当時の背景をも製品のバックグラウンドに取り込めないかという当店のこだわりの一つでもあります。過去の自社製品同様に実物が日本で製造されたという歴史も再現の一つとして取り入れ、さらには当時から進化し続けている「MADE IN JAPAN」品質で当時に可能な限り近い方法で製造したゴールドタイガーストライプを是非お楽しみください。当時タイガーストライプを製作した、CISO(Counterinsurgency Support Office)の人々が奮闘した歴史や日本人が製造した歴史的背景も含めてMADE IN  JAPANのタイガーストライプを是非着用し、歴史に関してもお楽しみ頂ければと思っています。

Coloringand fabric quality sampled from actual Tigers


We dared to use the same pattern for this Gold Tiger as the Gold Tigers we have released in the past. The purpose is to prevent distribution as a forgery and to give it an identity as a product of our store. Although the early Gold Tiger pattern this time is slightly different from the later ones in terms of edges and dots, we have decided not to reproduce them this time.
Instead, we have prepared the actual colors of the pattern in good condition and test printed them many times to precisely reproduce the characteristic colors of bright green and brown. The fabric is finished with the same fading potential as the actual fabric, which fades to yellow and gradually to white after wearing, washing, and tanning.


Fabric Characteristics


The fabric used for this product was newly sampled from the actual fabric, and the texture, softness, and unique selvedge ear are almost the same as the actual fabric. The common denominator of the Tiger Stripe shirts is that they are all made of high quality cotton fabric. Although soft and durable, the fabric gradually becomes thinner and lighter as it is used in tropical regions and to facilitate drying after getting wet from rain or rivers. Gold Tiger is exactly in the middle of this trend, and a thin but strong fabric that dries easily has been adopted. Our fabrics are similarly lightweight and easy to dry.
Our fabric will shrink when washed. -2.7% lengthwise and -0.8% widthwise. Please use this as a reference when choosing your size. It will not shrink to the point that it becomes difficult to wear, but it may feel small to wear after washing. You can reduce the feeling of shrinkage when wearing by stretching it gently when it is wet. Please do not dry the garment using a dryer. We ask that you take responsibility for any damage caused by washing and drying other than the methods recommended by our store.


Countermeasuresagainst Fake Distribution


It is not our intention for our Tiger Stripe to be distributed as the real thing in future generations. We have not reproduced the unique stamp this time either, but have adopted a woven size tag. Also, as in the past, the inside of the shirt is finished with selvedge ears on one side and lock sewn in on the other side. The same is true for the pants, which are also available with a woven size tag instead of reproducing the size tag. Also, black thread is used in inconspicuous areas, as in the past. The zippers on the pants are also made by YKK instead of HAMA.




The actual color is yellowing, but gradually fades to white, leaving black. The process of fading is similar to that of Silver Tiger, and the back is similar to that of Gold Tiger. This time, we adopted the same method for each of the products we have released in the past, printing the black thicker and adjusting it so that the other colors will fade along with the base dye. The colors will gradually change with sun exposure, as they are sensitive to sunlight and other light sources. The colors will not fade in a few days to a few weeks. The dyeing process is designed to gradually fade and change the color over several months to several years, so please enjoy the change over time.




All the shirts, pants, and boonie hats that we release have individual differences. There is a slight difference in the color of the fabric used when the dyeing process begins and ends, just like the original. In addition, it is very difficult for camouflage patterns to always be in the same place at the same time, so the product you receive will not be the same as the sample photo. Please be aware of this. The color fading will also vary slightly from product to product. If the product is initially defective, we will replace it with an equivalent product, or refund you if it is out of stock. Also, since it is made of 100% cotton, it will shrink to some extent. In normal household laundry, it will not shrink in a way that makes it difficult to wear. However, if you wash it in hot water, it may shrink more than expected by us, so we do not recommend washing it in any other way than the normal way. If you decide to try washing your gold tiger stripe using methods other than those recommended by us, do so at your own risk.

当店からリリースする、シャツ、パンツ、ブーニーハットはどれも個体差がございます。用いている生地も実物とおなじように染色を開始した時と終えた時とでは色味に若干の差がございます。また迷彩パターンも必ず同じ箇所が同じ場所に来る事は非常に困難なため、お手元に届く商品が見本の写真と同じ仕上がりにはなりません。了承くださいませ。退色具合も固体によって、若干の差が出て参ります。商品の初期不良は同等品との交換、在庫切れの場合は返金にて対応いたします。 また、コットン100%生地を使用しているため多少なりとも縮みます。通常の家庭用の洗濯においては着用が困難になるような縮み方は致しません。しかしながら、高温の熱湯などで洗濯を行った場合当店の想定よりも縮むことがありますので当店では通常の使い方以外の洗濯方法は推奨しておりません。想定以外の方法を行う場合は、自己責任となります。




Price: $190


Proce: $190

*Expected release prices are subject to change without notice.

*There will be no limited edition release at this time.

*The product pictured is a prototype and accessories are subject to change without notice.


We would like to introduce some examples of Gold Tiger from THE GREEN BERET MAGAZINE, published during the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1970. These are examples of Gold Tigers in general, so there are several variations of Gold Tigers, not only the early Gold Tigers released this time. Gold Tiger is famous for being worn by Navy SEALs, but please enjoy the examples worn by GREEN BERET and CIDG soldiers as well.

ベトナム戦争中に発行された、THE GREEN BERET MAGAZINEの1968年〜1970年発行の一部の刊よりゴールドタイガーと思われる着用例をご紹介いたします。ゴールドタイガー全般の着用例ですので今回リリースする初期ゴールドタイガーだけではなく複数のゴールドタイガーバリエーションが撮影されています。ゴールドタイガーというと、NAVY SEALでの着用が有名ですがGREEN BERETやCIDGの兵士も着用していた例を是非お楽しみ下さいませ。

The enemy withdrew leaving booby-traps and mines in his wake. 1LT Jones pro-bes…
The greenberet magazine March 1968
SSG Bob Rounse fell Rappelling. Students practice the art, first on the tower and then from the helicopter. Accuracy. A Recondo student zeroes his M16. RECONDO school.
The green beret magazine March 1968
Team Medical SGT Bryant Schroeder, of Salt Lake City, inoculate a baby during a medcap to Boun Jeng Lan Village
The green beret magazine July 1968
5th Mobile Strike Force Command Camouflage methods of concealment are a phase of the training Dong Ba Thin.A VNSF instructor teaches the handling of a light anti-tank weapon as his counterpart, SGT Earl Kelly, looks on.
The green beret magazine August 1968
Similarity is mirrored in the uniforms of the American Special Force soldier and the Civilian irregular Defense Group(CIDG)soldier.
The green beret magazine August 1968
GREEN BERETS Meet the KKK(Khrum Kmampuchea Khmer)
The green beret magazine October 1968
The green beret magazine January 1969
The green beret magazine February 1969
The green beret magazine April 1969
The green beret magazine April 1969
The green beret magazine July 1969
The green beret magazine May 1970


Through this replica production, we are investigating the history of the production and birth of the Tiger Stripe in Japan and Okinawa. We plan to publish a book on the subject after further research. If you have any information on the company that manufactured the item, the U.S. military, the order slip, or the contract tag etc etc, please let us know. There are many mysteries surrounding the tiger stripes, but we want to do what we can to pass on as much information as possible to future generations, in order to help the military and vintage industry grow. If you can help us with information, please contact us at the email address below.

当店では、今回のレプリカ製造を通じてタイガーストライプの日本や沖縄における製造や誕生の歴史について調べています。今後調査を重ねた上で書籍化を予定しています。もしお手元に、製造していた会社や米軍側の資料、発注の伝票、もしくはコントラクトタグなどなど情報がございましたら是非当店までお知らせくださいませ。非常に謎の多いタイガーストライプですが、可能な限りその正確な背景を後世に伝えるべく当店にできることをミリタリー、ビンテージ業界発展のためにも行いたいと思っております。 もし情報提供のご協力をいただける方がいらっしゃいましたら、下記メールアドレスまでご連絡くださいませ。