In 2024, as in the past two years, we will continue to offer precision reproduced Tiger Stripes from our store. Like last year, we will be releasing two types of Tiger Stripes, the first for 2024 being the Gold Tiger Stripe, an early pattern. This time as well, we have analyzed the thickness of the warp and weft yarns, and have custom-ordered the fabric, reproducing even the unique selvedge ears. The fading of the color was also done so that the impression of black remains until the end, and the color fades to yellow and then to white at the end, close to the fading of the real thing. The Tiger Stripe called "Gold Tiger" actually has several patterns with differences in color variations and patterns such as fine edges, etc. In 2022, we picked up the latter half of the pattern that strongly fades to yellow, and this time, we picked up the pattern that is estimated to have been used from late 1967.